Enceinte Mina Meyersound

Enceinte Mina Meyersound
60,00 €

MEYER SOUND MINA : Compact Curvilinear Array Loudspeaker Meyer Sound introduces MINA, the newest and smallest member of the MILO family. The Meyer Sound MINA is just over a foot and a half long and weighs only 42 lbs yet MINA is capable of producing up to 128 dB SPL over its wide 100-degree horizontal coverage area. The Meyer Sound MINA will find a place in a variety of applications. Its small footprint makes it an ideal curvilinear array system for low-profile, high-fidelity sound reinforcement, as well as frontfill and under-balcony applications. Installations and theatre tours where size is a concern can pose tough challenges to attaining excellent coverage. Optional weather protection, custom color cabinets and low-profile rigging pins ensure that MINA will blend into any environment to deliver even coverage and pristine sound. MEYER SOUND MINA - Features and Benefits: Very small footprint and narrow width ideal for small venues or fill applications Exceptional fidelity and transient response for intelligibility and high impact Extremely high power-to-size ratio Flexible mounting options Wide and even horizontal coverage pattern Seamless integration with M’elodie and MICA QuickFly rigging with captive GuideALinks simplifies use in flown or groundstacked arrays, alone or with M’elodie and/or 500-HP subwoofer MEYER SOUND MINA - Applications: Smaller theatres Houses of worship Ballrooms Corporate AV Theme Parks Downfill or sidefill in systems using M'elodie and MICA Frontfill and under-balcony applications Touring theatrical productions
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